Versions Available |
Windows (32 and 64 Bit) SCO Openserver Unix/Unixware Linux (32 and 64 Bit) FreeBSD (32 and 64 Bit) Xinuos OpenServer 10(64 Bit) |
These platforms are no longer supported but older versions may be available. Newer versions of filePro may be compiled at a premium if proper libraries are available. |
Sun HP-UX IBM AIX IBM eServer iSeries |
Number of Files | Limited only by disk space |
Number of Records per file | 2 Billion |
Number of Fields per Record | 999 |
Number of Characters per Record | 65,400 |
Number of Reports Forms, Labels | Limited only by disk space |
Length of Output Formats | 999 lines per record ( 64K Max Format Size ) |
Width of Output Formats | 999 characters ( 64K Max Format Size ) |
Number of Report Levels | 9 levels: 8 subtotal and 1 grand total |
Number of Labels Across Page | 1 to 9 |
Number of Screens | Limited only by disk space |
Number of Fields per Screen | 200 |
Number of Print Codes for Each Printer | 9,999 |
Number of Processing Elements per Table | 9,999 |
Number of Automatic Indexes Pre File | 26 |
Number of Demand Indexes | 10 |
Number of Fields to Sort On Per Report/Index | 8 |
Number of Criteria for Record Selection | Unlimited |
Associated Field Instances | 32 |
Processing Line Length | 120 characters |
Selection Sets Called in Processing | Unlimited |
Token Table Size ( Maximum compiled size per processing table ) | 2 Mb |
Number of Global Edits | 100 |
Number of File-specific edits | 100 |
Number of Built-in Field Edits | 38 |
Mathematical Precision | 16 Places to left. 8 places to right of decimal point. |
Number of User-defined Menus | Limited only by disk space |
Number of Choices on Each Menu | 24 |
Supported versions are 6.0 and 6.1 - Current Release is - Update Subscription is - fileProWeb is V387